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Texas Legislature

The 89th Texas Legislative Session begins on Tuesday, January 14th and concludes on Monday, June 2nd, 2025


Regular Session Begins Tuesday, January 14, 2025 (1st day) at noon


Friday, March 14, 2025 (60th day) 60-day deadline for bill filing


Monday, June 2, 2025 (140th day) is the last day of the 89th Regular Session


New to the legislative process? Get up to speed with The Taxpayer’s Guide to the Texas Legislature: The Basics

 The best way to influence your representatives is to testify on proposed legislation at committee hearings- if you are unable to attend a hearing, submit your testimony for House Bills online – the Senate does not have this tool and Senator offices must be contacted directly

Scroll down for Capitol guide, maps & directory


Border Enforcement  Repel invasion and deter illegal immigration.

Secure Texas Elections  Securing elections from each citizen’s registration to the final count of legal votes.

Stop Sexualizing Texas Kids  Stop the sexualization of minors, which leads to abuse, exploitation, and trafficking.

No Democrat Chairs  The Republican-controlled Texas Legislature shall end the practice of awarding committee chairmanships to Democrats and require all committees to be majority Republican.

Ban Taxpayer Funded Lobbying  Prohibit all forms of taxpayer-funded lobbying, including the use of tax dollars to hire lobbyists and payment of tax dollars to associations that lobby the Legislature.

Secure the Electric Grid Secure the integrity of Texas electricity production and delivery of abundant, reliable, and resilient energy, ensuring that the Texas grid can withstand any natural or manmade threat to include weather, cyber, physical, electromagnetic pulse (EMP) and geomagnetic disturbances (GMD).

Texas is Not for Sale  Ban the sale of real property in Texas, and discontinue taxpayer funding and incentives, to governments, entities, and proxies of China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia, and to individuals from these nations who are not legal permanent residents or citizens of the United States.

End Federal Overreach Resisting unconstitutional federal acts and mandates that restrict transportation, including mandatory kill switches in vehicles, road diets, and restrictions on the owner’s right to repair vehicles and equipment. Ensuring that Texans have medical freedom and can give or withhold consent for any vaccine or medical treatment without coercion, are not discriminated against based on vaccine status, and are not faced with any vaccine or medical mandate by public or private entities.

These priorities were chosen by delegates at the state convention, May 23-25, 2024 in San Antonio, Texas.

Legislature Videos

The Ins & Outs of Texas Legislative Sessions

In a quick crash course

How is the Texas Speaker of the House selected?

You might be surprised!

How to find a legislative report

And what to do with it


Meet The Texas State Rep. Luther Who Defied Tyrannical Covid Orders

State Rep. Little

“Everything That Goes On In DC Is Really An Analog For What’s Happening In Texas”

Chairman French

“You Lose Tarrant County You Lose Texas.”

Legislature Commentary

David Cook Gets Speakership Nod From GOP Reformers

A meeting of reform-minded members and members-elect of the House GOP caucus reached their consensus on Friday afternoon.

Alliance for a Safe Texas

Federal Agencies Stonewall Law Enforcement and Congress: We MUST Focus on the State Level

Republican Party of Texas

Legislative priorities for the 89th session

Capitol Resources

File Name: Texas-Capitol-Visitors-Guide.pdf

File Name: Texas-Capitol-Map.pdf

File Name: Texas-Captiol-Building-Directory.pdf

File Name: Texas-Legislature-Online-TLO-Handbook.pdf

Legislature News

FTP Statement on Impeachment of AG Paxton

Fredericksburg Tea Party Statement Concerning Impeachment Proceedings Brought by the General Investigating Committee under the Direction of House Speaker, Dade Phelan and Chaired by Representative, Andrew Murr Fredericksburg Tea Party stands in dismay at the way the...