FISD school board violated their own unconstitutional BED (public comments) board policy and would not let Tara Petsch speak on an agenda item during public comments of January 2023 school board meeting. Agenda item 8A was the Superintendent’s contract and evaluation review. Petsch was told by a board member 5 minutes before the board meeting started that FISD was advised legally that they did not have to let Petsch speak because her comments didn’t follow the board policy. This is not true.

This tyrannical, unconstitutional behavior must be stopped. Why would Dr. Rodriguez call lawyers to ask if it was legal to allow a parent to speak on his contract? Where’s the transparency? Your tax dollars are paying for this absurdness and for FISD’s legal team. Where’s help for parents? Where’s our legal team?

“Each member of the public who desires to address the Board regarding an item on the agenda for an open meeting of the Board shall be allowed to address the board regarding the item at the meeting before the Board’s consideration of the agenda item.”

Petsch has complained about this unconstitutional board policy since it was approved by the board last May. She played by their “rules” on Monday and tried to speak to an agenda item, but was still denied from making comments about the Superintendent’s contract.

The school board ultimately approve another contract extension on Monday for Dr. Rodriguez, after just approving one last April. But they approved it before listening to the community and their concerns and questions.

School board elections are coming up in May. We need everyone’s help to get strong candidates that support parental rights elected. Can you help?
Please consider donating to Moms For Liberty-GC to help us do just that and to help us get our own legal advice.
You can donate here

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Moms for Liberty is a 501c4 organizations and donations are not tax deductible.