Focus 4 Election Integrity


ABOUT  End voter fraud and protect election integrity

LEADER  Jeannette Hormuth

SIGN UP  Email Jeannette at

Election Videos

Election Vulnerability

Voting machine expert, Clint Curtis, explains the vulnerability in electronic voting machines & solutions for hand-counted paper ballots

Hand-count Simulation

Texas First demonstrates hand-counted ballot simulation- sign up to see a simulation and mock election demonstration in your county

Was the 2020 election stolen?

It’s deeper than that. You’ve heard it said “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.” What about those who code the vote?

Mike Lindell on why the machines can't be trusted

Plus! Mike takes calls for Q&A

Expert Panel: Live from Las Vegas

Hear from a panel of experts on the many channels of election interference

“Let My People Go”

Dr. Walter Daugherity Reveals How 35,000 Illegal Votes Were Added to Democrat Totals in AZ Election and the Massive Back Door Vulnerability

The Lindell Report

Unmasked Election Fraud

The Ballot Banking Trap

Vote on Election Day!

The Real Story of Tina Peters

The truth matters

Election Commentary

Texas needs to abandon ERIC: Part 1

For decades the Democrats and leftists have fought ferociously to prevent the cleanup of State voter registration rolls.

Texas needs to abandon ERIC: Part 2

Texas needs to abandon ERIC: Part 2

Recognizing a potential niche, left-wing activists created ERIC to clean voter rolls their way, using their rules.

Texas needs to abandon ERIC: Part 3

In 2012, the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) was formed as a membership organization, and is essentially a left wing voter registration drive disguised as voter roll clean up.

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Kerr County Commissioner Rich Paces on Election Integrity

Election Integrity News

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