by Admin | Jun 12, 2023 | 2nd Amendment Focus
Courtesy of Mike Belsick, FTP Leader of Focus for Second Amendment Rights Status of all of the 2A related bills during the 88th Regular Legislative Session Bills that have already been signed by Gov. Abbott: HB 1221 Department filing a claim for unclaimed property on...
by Admin | May 15, 2023 | 2nd Amendment Focus
The 2 day event involved full range days accompanied by lectures on firearm safety, shooting skill training, clearing misfires, and situational awareness to avoid the need to use deadly...
by Admin | Jan 12, 2023 | 2nd Amendment Focus
Wes Virdell, Texas State Director of Gun Owners of America, recently selected Mike Belsick as Texas Hill Country Coordinator of GOA. Mike also serves as the 2nd Amedment Focus Group Leader for the Fredericksburg Tea Party, and we are proud to congratulate him on this...