Opposites – the Left and Right by Michael Belsick, FTP Leader of Focus 4 Second Amendment Rights
I cannot imagine anyone with a political bone in their body disagreeing with the following statement: There is a huge difference between the political Left and Right! They are not even the opposite sides of the same coin. The differences are far greater than that.
Let me start with the Conservative Republicans. There is very little difference between today’s Conservative Republicans than those from Thomas Jefferson’s time. We all believe and hold sacred God, Country, Family, our Constitutional Rights, free will and free enterprise. Together, all of the Founding Fathers gave us a country that never before existed in human history. Instead of a country where the average citizen was at the bottom of the power structure, our God given human Rights like Freedom of Speech and Religion was paramount. Whatever was left over and not assigned to the people, the States had the power to govern and then the Federal government got what was left over (not counting what the Constitution gave to the Federal government directly). This is what Conservative Republicans have always believed. I am not saying we are perfect. In 1950, we sadly had Senator Joseph McCarthy. Today, we have R.I.N.O.’s.
As for Democrats, they started out basically “on the same page” as us. John Adams was also one of the most influential Founding Fathers in many ways. Today, Democrats disavow all of the Founding fathers and their accomplishments because they owned slaves. As a generalization, I would say that Democrats always view history and the relevance of history through the prism of today’s beliefs and opinions. Since slavery existed during the formation of America, therefore, America must be a fundamentally racist country to the core. What seems to be convenient for Democrats is to totally overlook the participation of the Democratic Party in that process. The fact is that the Democratic Party was at the heart of slavery. Southern Democrats started the Civil War to prevent Northern Republicans of ending slavery. When Southern Democrats lost the Civil War, they created the KKK to control the newly freed slaves through fear. In 1924 the highest membership of the KKK existed (about 3 to 6 million Democrats or 2.6% to 5.2% of the total population). Then Democrats had Bull Conner and Jim Crow laws.
Republican President Eisenhower pushed Congress for the first Civil Rights Act of 1957. In a complete reversal of previous party position, Lyndon B. Johnson, as the Democratic Senate majority leader, forced his party to support the first Civil Rights Act. (Was this likely a political calculation to grow the Democratic Party?) In order to get more Democrats to approve it, LBJ had to “water down” the first bill. This necessitated the 2nd Civil Rights Act of 1964. Even though Democrats call Republicans racists, here is the voting history of the 1st and 2nd Civil Rights Acts:
Civil Rights Act of 1957:
House Republicans voted 167 (89%) For with only 19 voting Against
House Democrats voted 118 (only 52%) For with 107 voting Against
Senate Republicans voted 43 (100%) For with Zero voting Against
Senate Democrats voted 19 (only 51%) For with 18 voting Against
Civil Rights Act of 1964:
House Republicans voted 136 (79%) For with 35 voting Against
House Democrats voted 153 (only 63%) For with 91 voting Against
Senate Republicans voted 27 (82%) For with 6 voting Against
Senate Democrats voted 46 (only 69%) For with 21 voting Against
As you can see by the numbers, LBJ forced his party to change direction with regards to Civil Rights for African Americans (the former slaves of the Democratic Party). Republicans in Congress supported Civil Rights which was consistent with their past ideology. Even with a potential self-centered reason to support Civil Rights, Democrats did support it. While this was a major reversal of the Democratic Party, it was certainly not the last.
Harvey Weinstein was a very prominent movie producer in Hollywood since the 1970s. His “Casting Couch” was a well-known secret within Hollywood for decades. Starlets even joked about it during Oscar presentations. However, it was not “problem” until the Democratic Party changed their political position in 2017. 80 women came forward to make allegations of sexual harassment and/or rape against Weinstein. This became the “MeToo” social media campaign for the Democratic Party. While I agree that sexual violence and harassment is wrong, what is remarkable is the over-night transformation of the Democratic Party on this issue. In 2017 Democratic Senator Al Franken had to resign from office over a joke showing him almost touching the breast of a sleeping woman. No harm here to the Democratic Party since the removal of Franken gave Democrats the “moral high ground”. Besides, the Democratic Governor of Minnesota merely appointed another Democrat to replace Franken. (One Democrat is as good as any other when they all vote the same.) Democrats then “weaponized” the “MeToo” movement during the confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh in 2018. Christine Blasey Ford accused Kavanaugh of rape that supposedly occurred in 1980 at a teen age party. Ford never said anything back in 1980 about the incident. It was only during a couple’s therapy session with her husband that she first told the story in 2012. The FBI fully investigated her allegations but could not find any evidence or even any collaborating testimony of the event. Ultimately, Kavanaugh was sworn in as a Supreme Court Judge. However, the spectacle of the hearings played into the Democrat’s plans.
Whereas the “MeToo” movement gave women power, that all changed more recently. Transgenderism is the new special interest group for Democrats. Lia Thomas, who after years of testosterone building size and muscle mass, is currently blowing women swimmers ‘out of the water’. Those born female are not getting athletic scholarships because those born male, that now identifying as female, are getting the scholarships. It is sad to see women lose ground due to changing whims of the Democratic Party. Remember the phrase “My Body, My Choice”? Apparently, that did not apply regarding vaccinations.
Here are some other examples of Democrats changing their beliefs and positions:
- The Left used to support “Saving the Whales”. Now that “Green energy” is more important than “Green Peace”, no one cares why so many whales are dying due to what could likely be noise pollution from wind turbines in the ocean.
- The Left used to support Peace but now they support War – any war anywhere.
- The Left used to be against the large tobacco industry but now they fully support marijuana.
- The Left used to be religious (the Reverend Martin Luther King for example) but are now totally against religion because many religions do not believe in same sex marriages. During Covid shutdowns, people were arrested for attending church service but were freely allowed to go inside a Marijuana shop.
- The Left used to be against Big Pharma, but now support it, the vaccination mandates and the billions that Big Pharma makes on forced vaccinations.
- The Left used to be against the revolving door between government and the Military Industrial Complex, but they are now for the same open door policy of government pharmaceutical regulators getting high paying jobs in Pharma.
In contrast to the Republican Party, the Democratic Party is constantly changing over time in terms of their priorities and commitments. As far as I can tell, this is always the result of calculations as to what best serves the interest of the Democratic Party. Then during each pivot that the Party makes, the Party acts as though that was their position all along. They completely ignore what yesterday’s position was. And if yesterday’s position is perceived as “Bad”, then they accuse the Republican Party of supporting what they just stopped supporting. Without a doubt, the Democratic Party is fickle. As final evidence of this, Joe Biden was considered the savory of the Democratic Party. As of now, the Mainstream Media, the voice of the Marxist Left, is finally asking critical questions of “Uncle Joe”. It is like they are telling him that we are done with you. That handsome young Gov. Gavin Newsom is who we want now. All of this is similar to some families that get a new puppy. The old family dog may still get a bowl of food, if it does not get eaten by the new puppy first, but all of the love and affection is shifted to the new puppy. There is no loyalty for people or ideals within the Democratic Party. It is only a current level of convenience.
As a conclusion, please reflect on the 1957 and 1964 votes on the issue of Civil Rights. Democrats barely had a majority to pass this legislation on a topic that is critical for Democrats today. If this legislation were up for a floor vote today in the House or Senate, 100% of Democrats would vote to approve it. This reflects yet another dramatic change within the Democratic Party. They have developed a “Hive Mind” where they all believe and vote in an identical manner. There may be a Kyrsten Sinema or a Joe Manchin rebel within the DNC. Otherwise, they all believe and vote identically. If Gender Modification Surgery for children came up for a vote today, all Democrats would all vote to allow it. I have no idea as to who is the “queen” of this Democratic Hive. Certainly, the Liberal Mainstream Media plays a critical part to disseminate the new marching orders, but the Media is not capable of an original thought. So there must be some other source. It is almost like some James Bond villain lurking in the shadows. Conversely, getting Conservatives and RINOs on the “same page” is like herding cats. These facts and the fickle reversal of opinions make Democrats a scary and formable foe for Conservative Republicans. I wish that I could jump ahead and read the last chapter to see the final outcome. Unfortunately, all that we can do is to trust in God but fight like Hell to save this great country that our Founding Fathers provided to us. It is all in our hands.