Focus 4 Second Amendment
ABOUT Preserve and defend the Second Amendment rights of gun owners
LEADER Mike Belsick
SIGN UP Email Mike at
MEETINGS 3rd Thursday of each month at 12:30 PM – Altos de Jalisco, 1410 E Main St, Fredericksburg
2nd Amendment Commentary
2nd Amendment News
FTP’s annual Guns & Roses February meeting
FTP Members Only Hand Gun Training at Patriot Academy with Range Drills and Graduation Ceremony
FTP with Gun Owners of America, Leadership Institute, and Armed Attorneys for the annual “Guns & Roses” February Meeting
Congratulations to FTP Leader Mike Belsick for being recognized by GOA for his lasting impact on 2nd Amendment protection and education
Congratulations to Michael Belsick, Leader of FTP Focus 4 Second Amendment Rights
Action Alert: Hunters Against Pistol Brace Ban
2A Bill Status for 88th Regular Session
Courtesy of Mike Belsick, FTP Leader of Focus for Second Amendment Rights Status of all of the 2A related bills during the 88th Regular Legislative Session Bills that have already been signed by Gov. Abbott: HB 1221 Department filing a claim for unclaimed property on...
FTP at Patriot Academy’s Shooting Range for Constitutional Defense Class
The 2 day event involved full range days accompanied by lectures on firearm safety, shooting skill training, clearing misfires, and situational awareness to avoid the need to use deadly force